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Olivia Garden FINGERBRUSH "Once Upon A Time" is a limited collection of the most famous combing brushes. "Once Upon A Time" is the story of a magical brush, set in a faraway kingdom ruled by three queens with long hair and enchanting waves. Their shining hair was a symbol of beauty and pride to the entire kingdom. Despite their royal status, none of them could find a brush that would be gentle on their scalps, detangle their hair and leave it shiny and healthy. Intrigued by rumors of a mythical brush, the bravest of the three queens, Pyrrha, embarks on a journey in search of the legendary limited edition Olivia Garden collection of royal hues: gold, silver and bronze. Having overcome numerous challenges on her journey, she returned in triumph, presenting the mythical edition of Olivia Garden brushes to her sisters and the hairdressers of the kingdom, who immediately embraced its unique design and perfect detangling of hair. Since that day, Fingerbrush has become a symbol of beautiful and well-groomed hair in the kingdom.